Sorry guys, this message board has been down forever and everytime I am on Star Wars there is no one around. Maybe my time periods don't clash as well with yours anymore now that I'm married, who knows. Anyway I was tired of not being able to do anything but solo on our server. I couldn't even do any heroics or team shit because i never saw any of you on but Curd on weekends. And Curd don't acknowledge anyone in game.
I left and created a Republic Scoundrel on the PVP server called Fat Man. It is the most populated server in the game. I haven't joined a guild yet but i do not have any shortage of heroic teammates at least.
I am still only lvl 26 or so, the name's Zootner as always. If you feel like joining I would be very happy to see you. If not... well I guess this is it.
I've played with people for a longer stretch of time, I've been in countless clans in competitive games like Battlefield 1942 and Team Fortress 2, but you guys were always my first. You were always the first people I ever met online who I ever cared about. Personally. It's been a long fucking time since i was an angry dwarf in EQ1 picking a fight with Curd in Karana, but fuck me if I don't remember it like yesterday. I remember coming on line just to hang with Shevil and laughing my ass off so hard man... so fucking hard. We would just do shit to piss people off and it was the greatest time. My God I miss that.
I never found that again. I always thought we would.
I miss it dearly.
Take care and have a great fucking life, all of you.
Zoot on Fat man
Re: Zoot on Fat man
You are going to make me cry...
It's a few reasons why Star Wars isn't a 'guild/group' friendly game. My wife and I really got lucky and decided to play the same class. The class training split was fortuitus - me tank, her healer. Paid off well. The class quest line was the same so we complimented eachother and were able to lvl fairly quick.
Trying to play the 'game' with another character/player - unless you were just helping them through a tough class-quest, you were wasting your time. The heroics, I think I played like 2. And could only complete 1 of them.
The first sad thing is - They plugged all the ways to fuck with somebody in these games... EQ - Wow, you couldn't really count all the ways to torture someone.
"I" want to play with you... I started playing this game strictly because of you. Curd is a Star Trek fan-boi that thinks he's a vulcan. I grouped with him once in SWTOR so far, and for like 10 min - most of that was travel time... He means well, but he's part vulcan part driod. You have to think of him as a useless device that worked once.
I made a character on Fatty, I made a smuggler so as we could have the same quest lines and your fat ass could PL me in the mean time. You better use VENT as I am not going to type all my good "A" material to your ass.
Why the shit do you think I emailed you out of the blue so many times over the last 8 years? It was because all the crazy shit we did and the fucking cackling pants wetting good times we had.
I logged on to fatty 2 times now and haven't seen your ass. Send a schedual that you are going to stick to and we'll compromise and find something that works for us. Send a text to my phone when you are on next - I don't hit this site that offen.
801-520-2788 - Got it?
You are going to make me cry...
It's a few reasons why Star Wars isn't a 'guild/group' friendly game. My wife and I really got lucky and decided to play the same class. The class training split was fortuitus - me tank, her healer. Paid off well. The class quest line was the same so we complimented eachother and were able to lvl fairly quick.
Trying to play the 'game' with another character/player - unless you were just helping them through a tough class-quest, you were wasting your time. The heroics, I think I played like 2. And could only complete 1 of them.
The first sad thing is - They plugged all the ways to fuck with somebody in these games... EQ - Wow, you couldn't really count all the ways to torture someone.
"I" want to play with you... I started playing this game strictly because of you. Curd is a Star Trek fan-boi that thinks he's a vulcan. I grouped with him once in SWTOR so far, and for like 10 min - most of that was travel time... He means well, but he's part vulcan part driod. You have to think of him as a useless device that worked once.
I made a character on Fatty, I made a smuggler so as we could have the same quest lines and your fat ass could PL me in the mean time. You better use VENT as I am not going to type all my good "A" material to your ass.
Why the shit do you think I emailed you out of the blue so many times over the last 8 years? It was because all the crazy shit we did and the fucking cackling pants wetting good times we had.
I logged on to fatty 2 times now and haven't seen your ass. Send a schedual that you are going to stick to and we'll compromise and find something that works for us. Send a text to my phone when you are on next - I don't hit this site that offen.
801-520-2788 - Got it?

Re: Zoot on Fat man
My Star Trek collections. I don't want you to be confused.
Nobody said anything to me about the forums being down, please let me know.
Re: Zoot on Fat man
Well, I haven't heard a word from him since I posted my reply, and I never saw the board down. Well, not since that one time a year or 2 ago. =)
Take it easy party people. I really thought this game was going to be the next EQ. Not in 'play', just in grouping and comraderie. It's not a group game unless you're doing the hard missions.
Take it easy party people. I really thought this game was going to be the next EQ. Not in 'play', just in grouping and comraderie. It's not a group game unless you're doing the hard missions.

Re: Zoot on Fat man
Sorry guys. Work and kids leave me little to no energy to play. When I did log on no one else was there most of the time.
I canceled my subscription a while ago. Without people to group with the game is pretty repetative and there isn't a lot to do end game.
See you all in the next game. I'll keep poking around this forum every now and then. I do miss you all.
I canceled my subscription a while ago. Without people to group with the game is pretty repetative and there isn't a lot to do end game.
See you all in the next game. I'll keep poking around this forum every now and then. I do miss you all.