Happy New Year
Bah! EQ what?
Hey everyone hows it goin? Im still playin WoW running a guild on proudmoore under the guise of Rondalor a male character this time. cotproudmoore.net is the site I put up
nothin special but does the trick.
Were running a ts server also for raids. If your up to it come over and join up we'll pl your char for ya..
EQ sux Lol too bad your not on WoW we'd have some fun
Hey I'm movin to Ft Worth next week, imagine that.

Were running a ts server also for raids. If your up to it come over and join up we'll pl your char for ya..
EQ sux Lol too bad your not on WoW we'd have some fun

Hey I'm movin to Ft Worth next week, imagine that.
Just kidding about the sux part, after 6 years of EQ I was sad to let it go. WoW's end game is more EQ oriented then the pre 60 stuff and with a good group of people you can get the social atmosphere we used to have in DO. The content is growing at a good pace right now, but like eq if you dont have enough people to raid you don't get the goods. The next patch will lower the tier 0 dungeons to 5 less per raid to help people gear up for the higher lvl dungeons and with the release of the expansion there will be a lvl 70 cap so its getting a little better. I think the thing I miss about EQ is some of the complexity of the game but I also got tired of the big guild requirements and the lack of players in the small guilds. If you want to try it out again with a decent guild drop in and say hello, I'd be more than happy to sign ya up 

Quiet WoW fanboy :p The crayola graphics turned me off from that game not to mention that it's populated with the 15 and under crowd hehe. I'm too lazy to relearn EQ again and Guildwars is basically a single person game. I decided to take out my frustrations on the EQ2 roleplaying PvP server with Zootner.
The inkies don't understand why I stand over them screaming DIE SHEVIL DIE in a giggling fury every time I kill one of them \"...but...cough cough...but...my name is....Drizzz.........gasp\"
I'm not spending a dime on another game until Vanguard comes out.
The inkies don't understand why I stand over them screaming DIE SHEVIL DIE in a giggling fury every time I kill one of them \"...but...cough cough...but...my name is....Drizzz.........gasp\"

I'm not spending a dime on another game until Vanguard comes out.
Dritz - That's funny.The inkies don't understand why I stand over them screaming DIE SHEVIL DIE in a giggling fury every time I kill one of them \"...but...cough cough...but...my name is....Drizzz.........gasp
Ok, I'll see you in Vangurd. When you get in for beta or whatever. Get us the server name.
Think of EQ as a colorful, expensive chat program. And come talk to us!
