EverLogs backups?

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EverLogs backups?

Post by Anonymous »

Where does EverLogs store the parsed log files? I do alot of raiding and having to keep track of alot of stuff. I need the log files to track who looted what, when among many other things.

I can't seem to locate my logs which have already been parsed. I don't mind EverLogs removing the logs after pased if it saved all data within the logs. This incluse all loot messages, channel messages, everything.

I've attempted to look for an item in a past log of mine only to find it in my original .zip backup archives, but it was never mentioned in EverLogs (this archive was extracted and parsed by EverLogs in the past.

Posts: 130
Joined: Fri Mar 07, 2003 1:15 pm

Post by Skurge »

File menu | configure

Assuming you have EverLogs setup like this, all the backup files go into the folder in the 'Backup Dir'


Post by Anonymous »

I totally missed over the EQBackup folder. I was looking in the Backup folder and saw a bunch of binary files. hehe

Good, I found them all now. Thanks!

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